St Thomas Law Review V 14 N 2
Laghi Distinguished Chair
Gregory Sisk holds the Laghi Distinguished Chair in Constabulary at the Academy of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He received his B.A. from Montana State University and his J.D. from the University of Washington Schoolhouse of Police force, where he graduated outset in his course, was an editor on the police review, and president of the moot court lath. Prior to joining the legal academy, he served as a legal counselor in all three branches of the federal government: as a legislative assistant to a U.Southward. Senator, as a law clerk to a U.S. Court of Appeals estimate, and as an appellate attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice representing the Us in the courts of appeals and the Supreme Courtroom. Subsequent to his government service, he was in individual practice as the head of the appellate department of a Seattle police firm.
He joined the Academy of St. Thomas law faculty in 2003, after teaching for twelve years at the Drake University Law School, where he had been named equally the Richard 1000. & Anita Calkins Distinguished Professor.
Curriculum Vitae in Pdf
Online Curriculum Vitae
University of St. Thomas School of Constabulary MSL 400, 1000 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403-2015 (651) 962-4923 Professor Sisk published his first novel, Marital Privilege , with North Star Press in 2014. In the novel, which is gear up in the Twin Cities, a young law professor suffers the loss of her child, seeking solace in her faith.When her married man becomes the target of the investigation, she asserts the -- marital privilege -- and refuses to cooperate with the politically-ambitious prosecutor. This ultimately provokes a crisis of identity between her professional person commitment to the justice arrangement and her resolute loyalty to her married man.
Treatise: Litigation With the Federal Government
Professor Sisk is author of the only treatise on the subject, Litigation With the Federal Authorities , revised in 2016 equally part of the classic hornbook series of West Academic Publishing. The predecessor to this treatise was cited by the United States Supreme Court, U.Due south. Courts of Appeals, and the U.Southward. Court of Federal Claims.
Treatise: Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and The Legal Profession
Professor Sisk is the lead author of the starting time new hornbook on lawyer ethics in xxx years. Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and The Legal Profession , was published in 2018 every bit function of the hornbook series of West Academic Publishing.
Casebook: Litigation With the Federal Regime
Professor Sisk'due south casebook, Litigation With the Federal Government: Cases and Materials , is in its second edition (2008) with Foundation Press and updated in 2017. The casebook has been adopted at several law schools over the years, including Georgetown University, George Washington University, Catholic University, New York University, the Academy of Pittsburgh, and McGeorge School of Law.
Iowa Treatise: Professional Responsibility
Professor Sisk is as well the co-author of the continuing treatise on lawyer ethics in Iowa. Lawyer and Judicial Ideals: Iowa Practise (Thomson-Reuters, 2018) (with Chief Justice Mark South. Cady of the Iowa Supreme Courtroom).
General Scholarly Works
In addition to his books, Professor Sisk has written more than than 60 major articles, many published in peak ten and pinnacle 25 law reviews, on litigation with the federal government, professional person responsibility, judicial controlling, constitutional interpretation, and law and organized religion.
His scholarly works are regularly cited in the courts. In a keynote spoken language before the almanac Judicial Conference of the Courtroom of Federal Claims, Judge S. Jay Plager of the U.Due south. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit singled out one of Sisk�s articles as the "definitive piece�"on Court of Federal Claims jurisdiction over money claims and proverb "it is always refreshing to find a law review article that addresses issues that are relevant to the work of judges and practicing lawyers." Due south. Jay Plager, Money and Power: Observations on the Jurisdiction of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, 17 Fed. Cir. B.J. 371, 374 (2008).
Empirical Piece of work on Judicial Decision-Making
In an ongoing partnership with Professor Michael Heise of Cornell Law School, Sisk has been conducting a series of studies of religious liberty decisions in the lower federal courts over several decades. The reports from these studies have been published in the Michigan Law Review, the University of Chicago Constabulary Review, the Iowa Law Review, and the Notre Matriarch Constabulary Review. See besides Data from Empirical Report of Faith Freedom Decisions.
An earlier empirical study of judicial decisionmaking and the influence of judicial groundwork, co-authored with Professors Michael Heise and Andrew Morriss, was published in the New York Academy Law Review and received the 1999 Article Prize from the Law and Society Association.
Scholarly Impact of Law Faculties
In 2015, Professor Sisk led an updated study exploring the scholarly affect of law faculties, ranking the top third of American police force schools. Refined by Professor Brian Leiter, the "Scholarly Impact Score" for a law faculty is calculated from the mean and the median of total law journal citations over the past 5 years to the work of tenured members of that police force faculty. In addition to a school-past-school ranking, the written report reports the mean, median, and weighted score for each law faculty, along with a listing of the tenured law faculty members at each ranked law school with the highest individual citation counts.
The law faculties at Yale, Harvard, Chicago, New York University, and Stanford stand out nationally in scholarly prominence, followed by several others that are traditionally ranked among the elite law schools. Among those law schools that take made a scholarly impact that dramatically outpaces their bookish reputations are Example Western, the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota), Cardozo, Brooklyn, San Diego, and Hofstra.
Professional person Engagement
Professor Sisk has remained active as a fellow member of the legal profession. He maintains a express practice, primarily as an appellate attorney and every bit an expert witness on professional person ethics and conduct. See John R. Sand & Gravel Co. 5. United States, 552 U.Southward. 130 (2008) (co-counsel for petitioner on case asking whether the statute of limitations for claims in the Court of Federal Claims is a jurisdictional condition on the waiver of sovereign immunity); Simmons five. Himmelreich , 136 S. Ct. 1843 (2016) (author along with Professor James Pfander of amicus curiae brief arguing that the so-chosen Judgment Bar statute should not be read to foreclose an injured plaintiff from seeking a damages remedy confronting an private federal employee in a constitutional tort case when a parallel Federal Tort Claims Act adapt is dismissed on statutory exception grounds rather than on the merits of substantive tort liability ); United States v. Tohono O'odham Nation, 563 U.S. 307 (2011) (author of amicus curiae brief in support of neither party arguing that the Courtroom of Federal Claims has sectional authorization in cases where the substance of the dispute is a claim for money and suggesting that the better answer to the problem of duplicative lawsuits in multiple courts is to transfer the district court case to the Court of Federal Claims to be resolved in a single case).
In recent years, Professor Sisk has regularly been appointed past the U.S. Courtroom of Appeals for the Ninth Excursion as pro bono counsel in prisoner civil rights cases, in which he works with law students for a year-long, six-credit Appellate Clinic grade at the University of St. Thomas. In the leading example of this pro bono prisoner work, Sisk and his students succeeded in two appeals challenging the policy of Arizona prisoners in allowing corrections officers to read confidential mail by prisoners to their lawyers. Nordstrom v. Ryan, 856 F.3d 1265 (9th Cir. 2017), 762 F.3d 903 (9th Cir. 2014).
Professor Sisk is a fellow member of the American Police force Institute, the nation's premier law reform organization. He participates as a member of the Mirror of Justice web log, which present a diverse array of Catholic perspectives on the law, public life, and social justice.
Personal Background
Professor Sisk was built-in in Des Moines, Iowa; grew upwardly in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; went to college in Montana; attended law school in Seattle, Washington; and now lives in Eden Prairie, Minnesota with his wife, Mindy, a ceramic artist and para-professional person with special needs students in inferior high, and his daughter, Caitlin, who attends the University of Notre Matriarch .
A Sample of Current and Recent Projects and Activities
Pro Bono Appellate Counsel, Harris v. Escamilla, (9th Cir. 2018) (successful appeal past Muslim prisoner from dismissal of constitutional religious freedom claims involving deliberate desecration of his Quran by a correctional officer) ( Opening Brief in pdf format ) ( Amicus Cursory of Center for Islam and Religious Freedom, Islamic Society of North America, KARAMAH, and the Muslim Public Affairs Quango ) (Reply Brief)
Amicus Curiae Brief in Hernandez v. Mesa, No. xv-118 (U.S. Supreme Court), Represented by Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr (addressing availability of remedies against the United States and federal officeholder in cross-border shooting incident) ( Amicus Brief in pdf format )
Pro Bono Appellate Counsel, Nordstrom v. Ryan, 856 F.3d 1265 (9th Cir. 2017) (successful appeal past death row prisoner to challenge policy of Arizona prisons allowing corrections officers to read confidential mail by prisoners to their lawyers) ( Opening Cursory in pdf format ) ( Arizona Answering Brief ) ( Reply Brief in pdf format ) ( Amicus Brief of Ideals Agency at Yale ) (Amicus Brief of Due north.Y. Cty. Lawyers' Ass'due north and Nat'fifty Ass'n of Criminal Defense Lawyers ) ( Amicus Cursory of Equal Justice Initiative )
Property the Federal Government Accountable for Sexual Assault , Iowa Law Review (forthcoming 2019)
The Peculiar Obstacles to Justice Facing Federal Employees Who Survive Sexual Violence , Academy of Illinois Law Review (forthcoming 2019)
Scholarly Impact of Law School Faculties in 2015: Updating the Leiter Score Ranking for the Acme Third (with Valerie Aggerbeck, Nick Farris, Megan McNevin, and Maria Pitner), 12 U. St. Thomas 50.J. 100 (2015)
The Legal Ethics of Real Evidence: Of Child Porn on the Choirmaster�s Computer and Bloody Knives Nether the Stairs , 89 Washington Police force Review 814 (2014)
Twilight for the Strict Construction of Waivers of Federal Sovereign Amnesty , 92 Northward Carolina Law Review 1245 (2014)
Muslims and Religious Liberty in the Era of nine/11: Empirical Show From the Federal Courts (with Michael Heise), 98 Iowa Constabulary Review 231 (2012) (click here for data on the written report)
The Jurisdiction of the Court of Federal Claims and Forum-Shopping in Money Claims Confronting the Federal Government , 88 Indiana Police force Journal 83 (2012)
� Balancing the Upkeep ,� Murphy Establish Serial on Hot Topics, Absurd Talk, University of St. Thomas School of Law, December 9, 2011 (link to video here)
Faith, Schools, and Judicial Decisionmaking: An Empirical Perspective , 79 University of Chicago Law Review 187 (2012) (with Michael Heise)
Credo "All the Style Downwards"? An Empirical Study of Establishment Clause Decisions in the Federal Courts , 110 Michigan Law Review 1201 (2012) (with Michael Heise) (click here for data on the report)
Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Neither Party , United States v. Tohono O'odham Nation, 131 S. Ct. 1723 (2011) (podcast on decision)
Tom P. Taylor, Supreme Court Asks for Just the Facts When Determining Claims Court Jurisdiction, 79 U.S. Law Week 2448 (2011) (quoting Sisk in report on Usa v. Tohono O'odham Nation) (link to U.S.Fifty.Due west. commodity in pdf format)
The Inevitability of Federal Sovereign Immunity , 55 Villanova Law Review 899 (2010)
"The Dynamic Attorney-Client Privilege," 23 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 201 (2010)
The Continuing Drift of Federal Sovereign Immunity Jurisprudence , fifty William & Mary Police force Review 517 (2008)
Returning to the PruneYard: The Unconstitutionality of State-Sanctioned Trespass in the Proper noun of Speech , 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 389 (2009)
The Quantitative Moment and the Qualitative Opportunity: Legal Studies of Judicial Decisionmaking (Book Review), 93 Cornell Law Review 873 (2008)
Educational activity in Rome, Italia, June-Aug. 2007 (Summer in Rome Programme of University of St. Thomas Schoolhouse of Law and Villanova University School of Law (Photos of the Sisk Family's Summer in Rome)
Co-Counsel for Petitioner in U.South. Supreme Court Case, John R. Sand & Gravel Co. five. Usa, 128 S. Ct. 750 (2008) (Supreme Courtroom'southward Decision) (Petitioner'due south Cursory in pdf format)(United States Cursory in pdf format) (Petitioner's Reply Cursory in pdf format) (mp3 lecture on instance)
Treatise: "Litigation with the Federal Government" (4th ed., ALI-ABA 2006) (email for information on treatise)
Casebook: "Litigation with the Federal Government: Cases and Materials" (2nd ed., Foundation Press, 2008) (link to purchase casebook)
Treatise: Lawyer and Judicial Ideals: Iowa Practice" (Thomson-West, 2010) (with Chief Justice Marking Southward. Cady of the Iowa Supreme Court) (link to purchase treatise)
Judges and Ideology: Public and Academic Debates About Statistical Measures , Northwestern University Law Review (2005) (with Michael Heise) ( link to article in pdf format )
Professor Sisk'due south Class
Web Pages :
Civil Procedure I
Civil Procedure II
Professional Responsibility
Litigation with the Federal Regime
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